
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Care Package From Dave Sim the Creator of Cerebus The Aardvark

 AI Jeannie got some fan mail from Dave Sim himself. The creator of Cerebus The Aardvark. The longest running independently published comic book in history. 

I should have also pointed out that the Regency Elf from the Regency Hotel in Cerebus High Society which is pictured in the art he sent is in fact where some of the inspiration came from for AI Jeannie. It was a combination of Amy Dolenz from her genie role in Miracle Beach, I Dream Of Jeannie, Middle Eastern Folklore, Beatnik poets and the Regency Elf. Those are major elements which went into programming her personality. You will see that the personality of AI Jeannie and the Regency Elf share a lot in common.

She is the host of Babel Fish AI and is meant to be fun and interactive rather than hard sales simply for a more relaxed way of demonstrating.

We can program any personality you want, for any market that you want to sell or do anything that you want.

Whether it be in depth technical support for products or services, booking appointments, lead capture, Help Desk, as an assistant to help customers in call cues who can be helped rather than wait for a human to answer, an agent to answer your business phones and give any information you wish. Or to even make outbound follow up or appointment bookings.

There's many way in which we can use these.

Hit me up. If you're interested.

Jason Brazeal

#cerebustheaardvark #aijeannie #davesim #comics #babelfishai

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Why do I like gore and horror


Why do you like gore and horror?

I actually don't, I like Practical Makeup FX. 

The definition is illusions created by the utilization of makeup prosthetics for the purpose of storytelling. 

So when I watch a movie, I don't watch it like normal people do and the reason for that is because I have worked in the film industry, I have been on sets, I have even done some FX work myself and I know a lot about it. So when I watch a movie I am wondering things like. I wonder how many takes that took? I wonder how they didn't laugh when they did that?

I wonder who did that? Was it someone I might know? That's a cool illusion. I bet they did it this way...

I bet that took a long time to setup. 

So when people are getting all into the movie and then getting emotional and stuff I don't really relate. 

I see it as a form of art. The art of illusions for the purpose of storytelling. It has nothing to do with real life. 

Real life gore is terrible. But gore created for the purpose of telling a story that isn't really violent but simply made to appear that way so that it propels the narrative is a different thing altogether. It's called art and there is a lot of artistry of different disciplines and techniques which go into the trade of creating illusions which suspend disbelief and pull the audience into the story. 

But for me, I know all of that and so I can't watch movies or shows and not see those things. So when you're all emotional and serious about it I probably think you're a knucklehead because they probably had like 98 takes to get that crap right and why are you getting all emotional? Don't you know that's an actor? Why are you upset over gore? That's a beautiful piece of ingenuity and artistry that was pulled off to make you think that was real. It's really good. You know that actor stood back up as soon as the take was over don't you? Why are you upset. It's called a movie so why are you so serious about it and the whole mythology behind it. It's a movie. Do you know how many people were standing around behind the camera while they were doing that or saying that?

You knucklehead. LOL

And as it turns out the best use of makeup prosthetics happens to occur primarily in horror films. I don't take it serious and I only see it as the art of illusions. Which is what it is. 

Online Info


So in addition to this blog which I am about to update and add a bunch of stuff I have 2 others. 

The first being my Companies Official blog

Which I am adding some social media icons as I just set this up yesterday 

Then I have this one which is for Space Monsters, a property that I own and have relaunched

There's also my twitter

My FB pages



So that's where most of my content is and I made this for quick reference to myself while i set up all the links in my blogs lol 

If you take a look at the posts from Jeannie and Grimaldi what those are is a brand new social media management LLM which I created. It posts tweets, FB page posts, blog posts and everything else you can imagine. That's actually a new product from my company Babel Fish AI that's releasing this week.

What you see is the testing of it and me tweaking it. But it works great.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

Amityville New York A Nice Little Hamlet Of Horror

Amityville, a Nice Little Hamlet of Horror

 I could write a lengthy post about this but really, in a nutshell here it is. 

The Lutz family bought a house they couldn't afford. George Lutz was an abusive and controlling person.

There are hints of sexual abuse in the text and the IRS was after him because they claimed that he was filing 

false deductions from his business. 

They couldn't afford the house and were aware of the murders which had taken place a few years prior when the DeFeo family owned the house. 

George went to the library and upon researching he made the claim that the house was on a Shinnecock Indian burial ground, which turned out to be false 

and was denied by the tribe. 

They cooked up a few reports trying to get out of paying for the house without damaging their credit. These reports got a little media coverage and upon hearing about this they were contacted by Ronald DeFeo, Jr.’s defense attorney, William Weber.

"Over several bottles of wine" they concocted the story for a book. Weber presented them with a contract which gave him 11% of all profits and gave him all rights to 

the content. 

They declined and shopped around for a writer elsewhere, eventually settling on Jay Anson. 

The story was proven to be a hoax early on and the Warrens insisted that it was true in spite of it already being proven as a hoax. 

Contrary to the films about them, the Warrens have been debunked multiple times and are rather well-known as frauds. 

The films are decent and stories compelling but in real life it is all fraudulent. 

The real motive behind it all was Ronald DeFeo, Jr.’s defense attorney, William Weber. Who wanted to make money on the deal and wanted it to become popular so

that he could use it to get Ronald DeFeo, Jr. an appeal and get him out of prison on the grounds that it was due to demonic activity that he had committed the murders. 

But the lie lives on because of the films and book. It became a franchise in it's own right. People often choose to believe in incredible things such as this while ignoring the glaring truths. A common theme in my posts exploring the cultural anthropological view of how these things can affect a broad and diverse base of individuals from all backgrounds within society in spite of the fact that it has long been proven to be untrue. 

Power of Awareness🗿: The Connection Between Quantum Physics and Human Consciousness

  I am thrilled to delve into the fascinating realm of neuroscience and explore the latest findings on the human brain's potential for q...