
Monday, May 13, 2024

Perception Management 101: UFOs, Roswell, Extraterrestrials, and the Men in Black

 Perception Management 101: UFOs, Roswell, Extraterrestrials, and the Men in Black

In 1980, Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz published a landmark book that popularized the myth of the Roswell Incident, which is the reputed crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle and the recovery of its crew in 1947. The book features an inside U.S. Government informant, known as "Falcon," who was later revealed to be Richard Doty.

Before proceeding, it's essential to note that Doty's father was directly involved in the crash retrieval efforts of the Roswell Incident, which will play a larger part in our discussion.

During the 1980s, a highly intelligent and successful entrepreneur, Paul Bennewitz, began picking up radio transmissions from Kirtland Air Force Base. His house was adjacent to the base, and the transmissions were direct communications regarding a classified project involving drone and stealth technology. This was problematic for the Air Force, as national security required secrecy to prevent nations' enemies from knowing their full defensive or offensive capabilities.

Contrary to the short-sightedness of UFO researchers, this does not imply that the Government is hiding UFO or extraterrestrial technology. Instead, it is more likely that these projects were terrestrial in origin, but kept secret for national security reasons.

As an AFOSI Agent, Doty was part of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which is the real origin of the so-called Men in Black. They are AFOSI Agents tasked with hiding classified projects. Behind the scenes, there was a lot going on during the Cold War era, with KGB agents infiltrating the UFO community, aware that what UFO researchers mistook for extraterrestrial visitors were actually drone and stealth classified projects.

During the late 1970's - 1980s, with Star Wars and science fiction prevalent, UFO sightings increased, corresponding with the release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Star Wars. Richard Doty developed a perception management campaign to muddy the waters in the UFO community. He became friends with Moore and pretended to be an inside informant, leaking secret information about UFOs. This led to the book The Roswell Incident, which birthed the modern UFO mythology.

Prior to this, there were UFO reports, but they were related to classified projects, such as Project Oxcart and the SR-71 Blackbird. However, this marked a significant change, as KGB agents mixed with the UFO community to uncover valuable information about drone and stealth technology.

In terms of classified projects, they have technology 50 years ahead of what the public knows. They keep it hidden until it becomes unnecessary or newer technology replaces it, and then it is declassified.

In fact the Air Force PROJECT BLUE BOOK research efforts were shut down because every time the researchers made an investigation they kept running into classified projects which had to be kept secret for national defense interests. So, they would have to come up with cover stories to explain them away. This is why there were reports of swamp gas, or ball lightning or St Elmo’s Fire causing these sightings. They literally had to just make up whatever they could to explain away these sightings because every single time they were coming up to a correspondence between the sightings and the classified projects. It really became so problematic for J Allen Hynek and everyone involved with PROJECT BLUE BOOK that is had to be shut down because every single sighting corroborated with the testing of these clandestine projects. 

The perception management campaign deliberately fabricated a false mythology about UFOs, visitors from other planets, and the government having alien technology. For any perception management to be effective, it must mix truth with lies. Typically, the more outrageous parts are the more truthful, and it is all mixed together to create confusion about what is true.

Doty was tasked with contacting Moore and finding out what he knew, who he knew, and so on. This is where the modern mythology of UFOs began. The idea was spurred by his father's involvement in the crash retrieval of Roswell, which was an obscure and largely forgotten incident where the Air Force mistakenly thought they had recovered a flying disc but was actually a high-altitude weather balloon program designed to go undetected into Soviet airspace.

The body retrieval part is actually from a separate incident in the 1950s in the same area where crash test dummies were used for testing crash deployment for the upcoming Mercury Astronaut Program. As the years went by, the two separate incidents merged into the fantastical narrative about Roswell, which is directly attributed to Richard Doty and his supply of false, inside information to Bill Moore for his 1980 book The Roswell Incident.

Now that the background is cleared up, let's move forward into the 1980s and Kirtland AFB, Paul Bennewitz, and Richard Doty. As previously stated, Bennewitz had tapped into the secret radio transmissions at Kirtland AFB regarding the aforementioned classified projects. He contacted the AFB, believing what he was listening to were UFO transmissions planning an attack on the base.

They broke into his house, replaced his computer with one programmed to decipher messages they would deliberately send to this computer by beaming them in from a radio antenna in a van parked down the street. They employed psychological warfare techniques against him, claiming he had found a crashed UFO and had a base at Dulce. This originated the Dulce underground facility and UFO conspiracy theories.

To make it short, they drugged him and fed him full of lies about UFOs, ultimately driving him insane and putting him in an asylum. This is all documented, all true, and this is where the modern UFO mythology about Grey Aliens, etc. comes from.

It is all a perception management campaign designed to hide clandestine technology in the interest of national security and the fact that people already believed they were seeing UFOs, which played into their hands in aiding them with the mother of all cover stories. The ultimate Perception Management Campaign.

After all, if someone thinks that there’s UFO’s then all you have to do is make that suggestion. Just shrug your shoulders a little bit and make a simple remark that well, maybe it was….. or it might be something…. and then just let their imagination run wild and before long you have Alien Autopsy’s and Lizard Aliens from another planet trying to get our water and hiding in subterranean lairs because they subconsciously saw something along those lines on a movie. Easy, built in cover story to help you do your job and protect the classified projects from detection and keep the Nation secure from would be invaders and their attempts at discovering your secrets.

Maybe those nations will even buy into your UFO narrative? Maybe they will think that possibly you have alien technology and they had better not mess with you, but realistically other nations will likely know that it’s clandestine technological experiments but they won’t be able to discover exactly what it is.

Then if you really want to make things interesting and keep this fantastic cover story going then throw some fuel on the proverbial fire. Release some documents that are faked with a little information in there about UFO contact. Really spice it up. Make it so that they don’t know what is what but they think that whatever it is it has to be extraterrestrial because why would the government hide anything else? It has to be the most outrageous and crazy thing possible right?

Even when the truth is that the universe is so enormous that most people can’t even grasp just how big it is. It is so absolutely huge and the distances involved are so gigantic that it would literally be like a needle in a haystack if it were even possible to locate another civilization.

Even if we were to suppose that another civilization had the capabilities of interstellar travel (which really isn’t that likely) then for that civilization to even discover we were here to begin with would be an almost impossible feat.

It is very, highly unlikely that there are other civilizations with those capabilities. I’m not saying that there are no extraterrestrials. On the contrary, I find that idea likely. But what I am saying is that their existence does not automatically mean that they have ever been here (which there is no actual evidence to ever suggest that we have been visited at any point in history by an extraterrestrial civilization despite what foolish and misinformed ancient alien theories might suggest).

If they do exist, they have never been here, don’t know of here and even if they did they likely don’t have the capability of travelling to here. Whose to say that they are more advanced? But in all likelihood given the distances involved and the enormity of the cosmos, it is very highly unlikely that we will ever, at any point actually discover, much less be visited by extraterrestrials. It’s really an implausible premise. And again, I’m not saying they don’t exist. They likely do. But they have not and they will not ever visit this planet which would literally be a needle in the proverbial haystack. And no amount of faint radio signals is going to change that fact given the complexity and the enormity of the cosmos. 

Now, there is another series of events surrounding cattle mutilations and UFOs, which originated from an underground fracking attempt where the U.S. Government detonated an atomic bomb underground to see if it would work for this subterranean fracking experiment. They couldn't be forthcoming with the public about this due to the anger and paranoia it would cause and due to national security and keeping these efforts secret from other nations.

But they had to keep tabs on the environment and document any negative impacts to the soil, air, fauna, and animal life in the region. One of the things they would do is put silencers on unmarked black helicopters and fit them with weird lights to make them look like UFOs, then take samples from ranchers without their knowledge, resulting in cattle mutilations.

I will not delve into the Ancient Alien nonsense or the tales about UFOs in the Bible. None of these have a basis in fact when you look into the customs, beliefs, symbology, and practices of these ancient civilizations.

As I have said before, you can't look back at ancient civilizations and take their culture and mythology out of context and liken it to science fiction of the 21st century.

Oh, and Richard Doty was responsible for the Majestic 12 Documents too.

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